Go further with a 2 day workshop

When you’ve read the book I truly hope you will decide to take action of some sort.  It will probably leave you with lots of unanswered questions, and you may want to spend further time on these by collaborating with other people who are in the same boat.

For this reason I have designed a 2 day workshop based on the 10 core topics in the book.  It is open to people from any organisation, and can be booked either by an individual or their employer.  The cost for the workshop is  £995 plus VAT.


The session titles are:

Another group photo from one of Michael Brown's workshops

Day 1

  • Reset your compass
  • Build more trust
  • Get out of the playground
  • Invest in relationships
  • Negotiate for yourself

Day 2

  • Avoid avoidance
  • Listen more, transmit less
  • Think!
  • Meet intelligently
  • Know yourself

We’ll be using exercises and tools I have refined over the years working with literally thousands of people, and which you may have read about in the book.  You will have a chance to open up in a zone of absolute confidentiality and trust to share your experiences and find out how others are dealing with similar challenges.  It will be a white knuckle ride at times, and you will be challenged and provoked to do some deep thinking.  It has potential to be life changing.

The first workshop will run in London on 18th and 19th October 2018. If you would like to book a place on it please send me your contact information and I’ll be back in touch with more details.

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