My book launch revisited

My book launch revisited

I know many of the book “launch team” would have liked to be at the launch itself on 10th July, but were unable to make it.  My publisher, Alison Jones, was there, and she recorded a short interview with me, talking about the book and also beginning to...
Finished the first draft!

Finished the first draft!

I’ve finished the first draft.  I can’t tell you how good it feels to type those words. I wanted to share with you the one thing that I found most useful in making writing a 50,000 word book easier than it might otherwise have been. It’s a technique...
Do you suffer from “Sundayitis”?

Do you suffer from “Sundayitis”?

I used to dread Sunday evenings even more than Monday mornings.  On Sunday from about 4pm onwards I used to get a tight feeling in my stomach, thinking about what the coming week was going to be bring me.  Mondays were better, because then you knew what you were...